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10 Best Crowdfunding Sites and Platforms in 2024

Crowdfunding has revolutionized the way entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators raise funds for their projects. With the right platform, you can reach a global audience, gain financial backing, and turn your vision into reality. Here are the ten best crowdfunding sites and platforms in 2024 that can help you achieve your funding goals.

1. Kickstarter

Kickstarter is one of the most well-known crowdfunding platforms, catering to creative projects. It operates on an all-or-nothing funding model, meaning you only receive funds if you reach your goal. This creates a sense of urgency and commitment among backers. Since its launch, Kickstarter has helped bring thousands of creative projects to life, from films and music to tech gadgets and games.

- Best For: Creative projects, including art, film, music, and technology.

- Unique Feature: Kickstarter campaigns are highly visible and often gain significant media attention.

- Success Story: The Pebble Time smartwatch, which raised over $20 million, is one of the platform’s biggest successes.

- Fees: Kickstarter charges a 5% fee on the total funds raised, plus payment processing fees of 3% + $0.20 per pledge.

2. Indiegogo

Indiegogo offers more flexibility than Kickstarter with its option for fixed or flexible funding. This means you can choose to keep whatever funds you raise, even if you don’t reach your goal. Indiegogo also supports a wide range of projects, making it a versatile platform for different types of campaigns.

- Best For: A wide range of projects, from tech gadgets to community initiatives.

- Unique Feature: InDemand, which allows successful campaigns to continue raising funds after their initial campaign ends.

- Success Story: The Flow Hive, a revolutionary beekeeping system, raised over $13 million on Indiegogo.

- Fees: Indiegogo charges a 5% platform fee. Payment processing fees are 3% + $0.30 per transaction.

3. GoFundMe

GoFundMe is a personal fundraising platform that allows individuals to raise money for various causes, including medical expenses, education, and emergencies. It’s known for its ease of use and broad appeal, helping millions of people raise funds for their needs.

- Best For: Personal causes and charity.

- Unique Feature: No platform fee for personal campaigns in the US, Canada, and the UK.

- Success Story: The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund raised over $24 million to support survivors of sexual harassment and abuse.

- Fees: No platform fee for personal campaigns. Standard payment processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per donation.

4. Patreon

Patreon is designed for creators who want to build a sustainable income through monthly subscriptions. Patrons support their favorite creators by pledging a monthly amount in exchange for exclusive content and perks. This model allows creators to focus on their work while maintaining a steady income.

- Best For: Artists, musicians, writers, and podcasters.

- Unique Feature: Membership-based model that provides ongoing support rather than one-time donations.

- Success Story: The podcast “Chapo Trap House” generates over $150,000 per month from its patrons.

- Fees: Patreon charges a 5% to 12% fee, depending on the plan. Payment processing fees are 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

5. Crowdfunder

Crowdfunder is an equity crowdfunding platform that connects startups with investors. It’s ideal for entrepreneurs looking to raise significant amounts of capital in exchange for equity in their company. Crowdfunder has a robust network of investors and provides tools to help businesses succeed.

- Best For: Startups and businesses seeking investment.

- Unique Feature: Access to a network of over 12,000 venture capitalists and angel investors.

- Success Story: High Times, the iconic cannabis media company, raised over $10 million through Crowdfunder.

- Fees: Crowdfunder charges a success fee of 5% on the total funds raised.

6. SeedInvest

SeedInvest is another equity crowdfunding platform that focuses on high-growth startups. It provides a rigorous vetting process, ensuring that only high-quality companies are listed. This platform is excellent for startups seeking serious investors who can provide substantial capital.

- Best For: High-growth startups.

- Unique Feature: Thorough due diligence process to attract serious investors.

- Success Story: Knightscope, a security technology company, raised over $20 million through SeedInvest.

- Fees: SeedInvest charges 7.5% on the total funds raised, plus a 5% equity fee.

7. Fundable

Fundable offers both rewards-based and equity crowdfunding options, giving businesses flexibility in how they raise funds. It’s suitable for companies at various stages of growth, from early startups to more established businesses looking for additional capital.

- Best For: Businesses at any stage.

- Unique Feature: Combination of rewards and equity crowdfunding options.

- Success Story: RiffTrax, a film commentary service, raised over $400,000 to fund new content.

- Fees: Fundable charges a flat monthly fee of $179 for rewards-based campaigns. For equity campaigns, it charges success fees that vary based on the amount raised.

8. LendingClub

LendingClub is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers with investors. It’s a good option for small businesses and individuals looking for loans rather than traditional crowdfunding. LendingClub offers competitive interest rates and flexible terms, making it an attractive alternative to traditional bank loans.

- Best For: Small businesses and personal loans.

- Unique Feature: Lower interest rates compared to traditional bank loans.

- Success Story: LendingClub has facilitated over $50 billion in loans since its inception, helping countless small businesses grow.

- Fees: LendingClub charges an origination fee of 1% to 6% based on the borrower’s credit rating.

9. RealtyMogul

RealtyMogul specializes in real estate crowdfunding, allowing investors to pool their money to invest in commercial real estate projects. It’s a great way to get into real estate investing with lower capital, providing access to high-quality investments that might otherwise be out of reach.

- Best For: Real estate investors.

- Unique Feature: Access to institutional-quality real estate investments.

- Success Story: RealtyMogul has funded over $500 million in real estate transactions, providing strong returns for investors.

- Fees: RealtyMogul charges a 1% to 1.25% annual management fee on the total investment.

10. Crowdcube

Crowdcube is a UK-based equity crowdfunding platform that allows businesses to raise capital from a large pool of investors. It’s ideal for companies looking to grow and scale, with a strong presence in Europe and a track record of successful campaigns.

- Best For: UK-based startups and businesses.

- Unique Feature: Largest equity crowdfunding platform in Europe.

- Success Story: BrewDog, a craft brewery, raised over £26 million through multiple funding rounds on Crowdcube.

- Fees: Crowdcube charges a success fee of 7% on the total funds raised, plus a 0.75% to 1.25% payment processing fee.


Choosing the right crowdfunding platform can make a significant difference in the success of your fundraising efforts. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or charity organization, these platforms offer various features and funding models to suit your needs. Explore these options and find the best fit for your project in 2024. Crowdfunding not only provides the necessary capital but also validates your idea and builds a community around your project. Remember to engage with your backers or investors, provide regular updates, and deliver on your promises to maintain trust and support for future campaigns.

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